

I currently have an exceedingly boring job, marking exam papers, so my mind tends to wander a little bit from what i should be doing.
During one of these brief forays from the conscious today I was thinking about what im going to put in the blog. I've had other blogs before but Ive done one post and then forgotten about them/the password and have subsequently posted no more stuff, but that shall not be the case with this one.
Im going to basically use it to big my mates up, as they are all pretty rad people (hence why they are my friends) and a lot are pretty creative in their ways.
I was thinking of a some questions for mini interviews and a little showcase of their work. For me, they will all be connected to what I love to do as well; Ski, shoot photos, make/listen to music and ride bikes.

Also I'll try and get a daily bit of awesome up on here as well. So a song, video, photo or something along those lines.

And....last but not least, I have given the login details to a few other people, so hopefully they will show their faces and post some stuff from time to time too.